Category: Personal Development

  • By hook or by crook

    Recently I wrote my first ever coding gist from scratch! I know, it really isn’t such a big deal but for me it was really nice to experience some progress being made of my developer skills. I have tinkered with pre-written gists, made edits to some to suit my own preferences but never have I…

  • Snippets of the day #2

    Previously, I posted a “Tweet of the day” blog post. The idea here was to share some cool tweets that stood out for me. Since the web extends far beyond Twitter (surprise, surprise). I decided to include stuff I come across, like articles and videos too! Tweet of the day – Hugh Lashbrooke giving some…

  • Consistency is key.

    “We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” – Some book. Read by some guy on YouTube. In order to do things, to live life to the full, to move forward. We need to do just that, move forward. Little by little, day by day. “We are what…

  • How to become one of those people that run (for fun) on the weekend.

    Believe it or not. It does not come naturally to want to wake up early, get dressed and go for a run in the early hours of the morning. Especially weekends. For fun. I know… As an adult, there comes a point in your life where you want to improve your overall health. Maybe you…